Core Values

At E.I.S, every child has a talent .We train them to exploit it in order to maximize their potential, to believe and be confident in themselves; and turn out to valuable citizen in their society.

Honesty Fairness and straight forwardness of conduct, adherence to the facts; uprightness of character or action; implies a refusal to lie, steal or deceive in any way.

Respect Condition of being honored; attitude of admiration or esteem; expression of regard; courteous regard for people’s feelings.

Courage Quality of spirit that enable you to face difficult situation with showing fear strength of mind that enable one to endure adversity.

Integrity Moral soundness; inherent complex of attributes that determine a person’s moral and ethical actions and reaction; unreduced or unbroken completeness.

Loyalty Quality of being faithful; the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action; feelings of allegiance.

Fairness Conformity with rules or standard; ability to make judgment free from discrimination or dishonesty; quality of being just or fair.

Trustworthiness  Trait of deserving trust and confidence; being responsible to someone; developing and maintaining an impression of responsibility.

Responsibility  Social force that bind one to his or her obligations and courses of action demanded by that force; from of trustworthiness.

Tolerance  Disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior; willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others.